Gwen Hsin-yi Chang

Italy – CSC
Gwen Hsin-Yi Chang, Head of International Partnerships of the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), was born in Taipei and is based in Europe since 2010. Serving as a senior arts manager and producer, Gwen aims at creating fruitful links between artists, institutions and public in a global context, and at promoting partnerships between cultural institutions, public organisations and the private sector. She has initiated cross-cultural projects from 2004 to 2010, such as: productions on tour and outreach programme for Legend Lin Dance Theatre (Hymne aux fleurs qui passent and Song of Pensive Beholding) in France, Hong Kong, the United States, Mexico and Austria; programming of Taishin Arts Award and arts-led CSR initiatives for new immigrants in Taiwan sponsored by Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture; communication programme at Standard Chartered Bank’s Corporate Affairs department, and coordination with Institut Français à Taipei and Taipei Fine Arts Museum for the group exhibition Mobilité, sons et formes curated by GRAME – Centre national de création musicale, Lyon, France. With a wealth of experience in cultural exchanges, Gwen initiated the AxE Arts Management collective in 2011 to support artists and artistic developments.