The Premiere of BABEL took place at La Briqueterie, 22nd June 2019.
The choreography became a weaving of the finest gestures. A human organisation of no words but a shared movement vocabulary in order to maintain a delicate balance. A cooperation process at work, an example of caring, sharing the weight and the responsabilities. A beautiful silent choreography.

Under the sun, BABEL comes to its final form at La Briqueterie in Vitry-sur-Seine.
The group of participants have been working for three days with Jordi Gali to find a common rhythm in order to elevate the tower from the ground up. A delicate choreography that requires tuning in, group focus and awareness, where each personn takes care of the balance of the whole structure.
Let’s see how this subtle work will flourish in tonight presentation!

This morning at La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne 13 participants started a workshop on the BABEL project proposed by choreographer Jordi Galí and Katia Mozet to build a new tower and work together for three days. Here’s a small text – in French! – about meeting and the first warm up.
Matin 1 – Pour revenir vers Babel.
Se dire bonjour, d’abord.
dans les yeux avec les mains se serrer la main droite puis la main gauche
« bonjour »
se prendre dans les bras.
En cercle, si tout le monde se tient assez proche il est possible que les corps penchent légèrement vers l’avant ou l’arrière, et ça tient. On a la liberté d’observer les micro oscillations qui agitent ce cercle vivant et on est sûrs de ne pas tomber. On crée une chaîne d’énergie qui rend cette réunion épaule contre épaule organique et vibrante en créant quelque chose de mouvant et stable à la fois.
En cercle, on se masse les épaules et on réveille les doigts. On agite ses os.
C’est encore le matin. On apprend les prénoms.
Aujourd’hui :
Jean François
Based in Lille, Marie works with dance in several ways. Writing is at the core of her activities and the projects she develops. She is a dance journalist and independant critic for several publications (Mouvement, LM Magazine, Ma Culture, Revue Facettes…). Through her practice Marie initiated dialogues and collaborations with several choreographers such as Meytal Blanaru, Tatiana Julien, Mylène Benoit, João Costa Espinho. She is developing tools to document the creative process in dance by combining the use of sound, image and text. She worked on the European project Dancing Museums in 2016-2017. She is also associate editor in charge of audiovisual content for Springback Magazine, European plateform dedicated to dance.
Marie is editor in chief of the paper publication Les Démêlées, dedicated to dance reviews and to the choreographic scene of the North of France. She made the Carnet de bord, a collaborative writing tool for dance in complicity with the Theatre Le Vivat scène conventionnée Armentières 2017 -2019.