In the frame of the Burgenländische Tanztage 2019 D.ID-Dance Identity presents the outcomes of Migrant Bodies-Moving Borders, bringing in Eisenstadt the international dance artists and partners, sharing the experiences encountered across Austria, Croatia France and Italy.
May 31st 2019
19.00 grand opening of Burgenland Tanz Tage at Kultur Zentrum Eisenstadt
20.00 Performance: Game Over- Low Air Urban Theatre (Lithuania)
21.30 Performance: Cellule – Anne-Marie Van ( France)
June 1st 2019
14.00 – 14.25 : A walk/performance through Kultur Zentrum – “Choreographic Centre Burgenland“ – with Asylum seekers from Rechnitz and members of the local Body Focus Group
14.25 – 15.00 : Practices developed in Migrant Bodies-Moving Borders: Zak Valenta and Andrea Rampazzo lecture/demonstrations.
15.00-16.00 : Presentation of the Migrant Bodies-Moving Borders film by Max Biskup and pubblication by Monica Gillette
16.30-17.00 : “super(human)“ a performance by Katharina Senk
17.00 : 17.30 Performance “What We Hold Inside“ by Eva Schaller
17.30 – 18.00 Performance “Blatny“ by Martin Dvorak
19.30 – 20.10 Performance Drift (I,II) by Barrantes Espinoza & Thomas Birzan
20.30 : 21.40 Performance Models of Reality -newest creation of Chris Haring