Roberto Cinconze

CSC – Italy
Roberto Cinconze is an event organizer, administrator and filmmaker. He graduated in Tecniche Artistiche e dello Spettacoio at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Since 2013 he works at Operaestate Veneto Festival and Centro per la Scena Contemporanea in Bassano del Grappa.He is responsible for the organisation of most of the projects supported by the European Union. He is often contributing to the audiovisual documentation of activities, in fact he studied Filmmaking in two specialized courses funded by ESF (European Social Found) during his three-year degree course. As a Filmmaker he took part in workshops generated by the European Project “Spazio A European network for dance creation” and “VIDEO DANCE (Moving Vitual Bodies)”. He made films and videos for the European projects Dancing Museums, Pivot and EDN. From 2013 he is responsible for Dance Well-movement research for Parkinsons. |