Giovanna Garzotto

Italy – CSC
Giovanna Garzotto, independent dancer, teacher and dance maker, trained at London Contemporary Dance School. Currently based in Italy, she’s performed in works by, among others, Sharon Fridman, Andrea Costanzo Martini, Ivan Perez. With the group Dance Makers she co-created and performed in Dance Raids, Movimento Itinerante, Itinerary Coreografici in Museo and Itinerary Coreografici in Urbana, works that inhabit unconventional locations and aim at shifting perspectives and activate unexpected perceptions and relations.As assistant choreographer she worked with Itamar Serussi (2013), Stian Danielsen (2014) e Sharon Fridman (2015) for the “Vita Nova” project by Venezia Biennale Danza and is currently cooperating with Chiara Frigo in her re-staging of Ballroom.
She is founder member of NOLIMITA-C-TIONS, a cultural association that since 2011 promotes dance workshops and site specific events with the involvement of local communities and Italian and international artists. Actively involved in the Dance Well-movement research for Parkinson’s Program since 2013, she regularly leads dance classes in Museums and artistic venues and is one of the tutors of the Dance Well Teaching Course. She is one of the artists currently involved in Empowering Dance, a new European project that aimes to research if and how the practice of contemporary dance helps people of all ages to acquire and develop soft skills.